

ComponentOne, a privately held company headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA, has a history of leadership in the Microsoft Visual Studio component industry. ComponentOne is the premier provider of the widest range of tools and solutions for Microsoft Windows, Web-based, and Mobile application developers, Help authors who write and develop Help systems, and support centers who utilize Web and e-mail self-service solutions. These tools are distributed and used worldwide. ComponentOne has received numerous industry and user accolades for their component tools, including awards from Info World, PC Magazine, Programmer's Paradise, Software Development Magazine, SDTimes, Vbxtras, and Visual Studio Magazine.


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ComponentOne Knowledgebase on tehokas tietämyskanta, josta sinä saat ensisijaisesti tukea kysymyksiin ja teknisiin ongelmiin.

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Doc-to-Help tuoteaktivointi

Jos jostain syystä et pysty aktivoimaan tuotetta oikein niin ole yhteydessä valmistajaan:

Email Activation/Deactivation Email your Serial Number and Authentication Number to activate@componentone.com and a Customer Service Representative will respond with your Activation Code. (deactivate@componentone.com)

Phone Activation Call the Activation hotline at 001 412.681.0711(International) 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST Monday through to Friday.